Drink diet soda, gain weight

Plenty of people drink diet soda to reduce calories, because they believe it helps with weight loss.

Purdue University researchers looked at recent studies on diet sodas, and they published an opinion piece that won’t sit well with (1) diet soda makers; (2) firms that produce artificial sweeteners; (3) firms that make the natural sweetener, stevia.

The researchers found that diet soda is less healthy than regular soda. And it can lead to weight gain. How?

  • The fake sweetener fools the body. The body was expecting real food.
  • When the body does get real sugar later, the body won’t process the real sugar in a normal way as the body is still confused.
  • With a body that’s not working right, the body gains weight.

What about diet soda drinkers with a healthy weight? They had a much higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Here’s the link to a longer article.

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