Lose weight

“I saw William Song because I was getting a little heavier than I wanted to be. My two goals were to cook more often (to lose some weight, for health) and work out more often.

“After we finished our work, I found that the barriers I’d put up just weren’t there any more. Before it was hard to get motivated to cook, but now I plan my week’s menu, go to the store with a list, and cook easily.

“Before I just wanted to lay down and relax after work. Now it’s a heck of a lot easier to just go to the gym versus staying at home.

“Doing the hypnosis wasn’t magic. I still had to do the work. But hypnosis helped me to flip a switch and just go after what I wanted. Hypnotherapy helped me to stop making excuses for not doing things, and it made it easier to take action and get things done.”

– Chris Reid

If you’ve tried to lose weight before, you already know it’s a tough thing to do. One reason it’s tough to lose weight is because dieting doesn’t work for most people.

I’ll say that again: dieting doesn’t work for most people.

Why not? Because it really goes against human nature. There’s a more natural way of eating, and when we interfere with the natural way, we often make things harder instead of easier.

And by the way, massive will power isn’t the answer. Putting lots of effort into controlling your food usually doesn’t work.

The real answer is to speak to the part that’s in charge of eating and your weight. And that part is your subconscious mind. And by using hypnosis, you can eat in a healthy and natural way, without all the cravings and stress. You’ll be in control of your body, instead of your body being in control of you.

Also, remember: If you read the free report before contacting me, you’ll qualify for a free consultation.
What happens if someone skips reading the free report, and they contact me? They will be charged for the consultation.

I recommend that you read the free report first, so the consultation is free.

The free report is available at the bottom of this page. If you read the free report, you can skip reading the rest of this site.


Q. What is hypnosis?
It’s a state of relaxed focus where you are more open to suggestion (i.e., making a change). Each day you’ve experienced some form of hypnosis. Here are a few examples.

  • Had a great conversation with a friend, and time just flew by.
  • Played a sport at such a high level, that you were “in the zone” and did really well.
  • Surfed online or read a book, and suddenly you’re surprised that an hour has gone by.
  • Meditated, engaged in deep prayer, or did yoga.
  • Drove your car for miles without remembering the last few miles driven.

Q. What does it feel like to be in hypnosis?
Each client feels differently. Some say it feels deeply relaxing; that part of their body feels very light or very heavy; that it feels as if they’re sinking through the floor or floating through the ceiling; that it feels incredibly serene; that thinking is extremely clear and that figuring things out is so much easier.

Q. What is hypnotherapy? As a hypnotherapist, what do you do?
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic system that uses hypnosis. As a hypnotherapist, I help you relax and focus your mind. Then I find out what’s blocking you from reaching your goal. Often the block is a conflict between the conscious and subconscious, and then I help the two minds resolve the conflict, so that both sides unite for one goal. The skill of speaking to the subconscious is a big key.

Q. Is hypnotherapy safe?
It was approved by the American Medical Association in 1958. This is the organization that practically all medical doctors belong to. Thousands of scientific studies have been done on hypnotherapy, and it’s been proven to be a safe and effective tool for a wide range of issues.

Q. Will I cluck like a chicken during hypnosis?
No. As a hypnotherapist, I leave the entertainment to the professional stage hypnotist. The stage hypnotist gives the illusion of mind control, because it’s more entertaining that way.

In a stage show, people volunteer to be on stage, agree to follow the stage hypnotist’s instructions, and want to entertain the crowd. But if the stage hypnotist tells a person to do something that violates her ethical code, then she would refuse even if she’s in hypnosis.

I can’t make you stop smoking, lose weight, or rob a bank. I can only help you to do what you want to do. If you want to change something, then I can help you to do that. If hypnosis was mind control, then hypnotherapists would rule the world, which we don’t. Heck, I can’t even get my wife to wake up early on the weekend. You remain in control of yourself.

Q. Without getting too technical, how does hypnotherapy help with weight loss?
Hypnotherapy helps you to do the following.

  • Helps identify the blocks that keep you at your current weight.
  • It helps to resolve those blocks.
  • Then you’ll create healthier habits to replace the old behaviors.
  • Lastly it helps you to stay at your ideal weight.
  • By the way, using hypnosis helps you reach your goal without the cravings and the constant struggle. Hypnosis makes the process much more pleasant.

Q. How do I know if hypnosis is right for me?
That’s what the free report is all about. It goes into more detail, and after reading it, you’ll have a pretty good sense of whether hypnosis is worth exploring. If you like what you read, then call me for a free consultation.

The free report is available when you scroll down on the home page.

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