Part 2: Breaking through means higher energy (matchmaker)

What was my breakthrough? I’ve become a matchmaker. And no, I don’t mean setting people up on dates. Let me explain.

A few months ago, I attended a business networking event at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in San Francisco, because I felt that my networking had stagnated. Most of these events feel like drive-by-networking, with people shooting out as many business cards as possible. Not fun!

But this event had a relaxed and friendly energy. I connected easily with people here, and had a great time! I spent at least 30 minutes talking about economics and finance with one fascinating person. I worked in the financial field before, so it was nice to talk shop.

After this event, I saw networking differently. It could be fun–what a novel concept! Instead of focusing on how they could help me, I shifted my focus to connecting with the person in front of me and finding out how I could help their business.

I began attending events by asking, “What type of professional would you like to meet?” And I began building a reputation as a business matchmaker.

Prior to this, I had connected people. But this recent light bulb moment was much bigger. Connecting with random people and helping them in their business became a big joyful game. Plus I focused more on helping my existing network of business friends as well.

Now my energy’s higher, I need less sleep, and I’m more productive. In elevators and random places, I began chatting with strangers just for fun. I feel as if I’m moving through the world in a more open way, happy to connect with total strangers. Life is flowing more easily.

Oh, and here’s the kicker. Because I stopped focusing on my business as much, I’ve suddenly been getting more people offering to help my business. Funny, right? By focusing more on others, I’ve attracted more people that want to help me.

Soon I’ll share some thoughts on how you can make a breakthrough to boost your energy.

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