Sleep helps us in surprising ways

As a San Francisco hypnotherapist working downtown, I mainly see busy professionals. And these busy people often fall into one of two categories.

1. They’re sleep deprived and know it.
2. They’re sleep deprived and don’t know it.

Most of them don’t ask for help with their sleep. But they’ll often report that they’re sleeping better once they practice self-hypnosis on a consistent basis.

A while back a hypnosis client came to me because of insomnia. His subconscious had a few limiting beliefs, including one that said sleep was a waste of time. By the way, this is a pretty common belief.

This very busy professional had no choice but to stay up late, even if he wanted to sleep early. His subconscious would fight him, and since it was so powerful, this man literally could not go to sleep any earlier. This is also a pretty common situation.

Lack of sleep hurt him at the office the next day, and he had lived this way for many years. When we finished our work in a relatively short time, we had cleared up the limiting beliefs, and his subconscious began to allow him to sleep at an earlier time, and he became more effective at work and in life.

Our society sometimes treats sleep as an afterthought, which is sometimes why we can treat sleep as an afterthought. As I continue to learn more about sleep, the more I realize how crucial it is to our well being. In my opinion, our society would be more productive and happier if we had better quality sleep.

Here’s a quick article on how we benefit from sleep, sometimes in rather surprising ways.

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