Part three: The subconscious mind can lie

In part two, Harry had found peace. Now let’s talk about a big question.

How do you know if your subconscious kid is lying?

  • Sometimes it’s hard to know. But practicing self-hypnosis hones your skill.
  • When you deal with family and friends, you can often get a sense if someone’s lying.
  • Well, as you get to know your subconscious kids more, you’ll gain a better sense, too.

Harry only found out he had a huge hidden belief through pure luck. If we have a big hidden belief, how would we know? 

If you answer “yes” to any of these, you may have a hidden belief.

  • Do you have everything you ever wanted, but you’re still unhappy?
  • Have you worked so hard and long to overcome issues, but progress is slow?
  • Do you catch little signals or whispers in your mind, but you brush them aside as nothing?
  • Do you feel that something is fundamentally wrong in your life or with yourself?

I’m not saying that hypnosis is the complete answer for everyone who answers with a yes. But I can say that hypnosis can be part of the answer, because getting to know yourself more deeply is helpful for those brave enough to explore the hidden cave.

The cave?

Having said that, some people may be scared to do hypnosis precisely because it may shed light in dark corners of the cave. Of course the best time to start resolving fear is when we realize we have fear, just as the best time to put on a sweater is when it’s cold.

Getting to know yourself is a journey that can move forward, sometimes sideways, sometimes backward, and then forward once again. Using self-hypnosis gives you a deeper connection and communication pathway to your best friend. 

A closing thought with an opening rhythm…

So talk to your best friend each day with respect, and may your friendship grow stronger each day. As your friendship grows, fewer secrets are kept, and fewer lies are told. You dissolve blocks faster, and more quickly reach your goals.

With practice you may find, you deeply care about your goal. While being less attached to the outcome, which sounds strange, truth be told.

     But let’s save that topic for another day.

If you need guidance on dissolving the inner blocks, or how to speak with your best friend, let me know.

     That’s what I do, so some people say.

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