SHIFT Program, a different way to solve issues (part one)

We’re taught to confront our problems, work on our problems,
solve our problems. To most people, the idea of ignoring problems
seems… well, just plain wrong.

In the SHIFT Program, we’ll mainly ignore problems in order to
solve them. Yes, I admit that does sound rather odd.

SHIFT stands for Self-Hypnosis Identity Formation Techniques.

Rather than look at our problems as problems, sometimes our
problems are actually symptoms of something deeper.

In some cases, ignoring most of our problems can be useful.
Because then we can, if we’re brave enough, delve into the real

What’s the real issue? For some people, it’s identity. Many issues
are born from who we believe we are.

I’ll admit, this is an extreme statement. I’ll give a rather extreme
example of a fictional client, so it makes more sense.

… … …

Jane Smith is shy. She only dates guys that treat her poorly,
and she quickly dumps guys that treat her kindly.

Her friends and family take advantage of her. She rarely refuses
their requests. She rarely speaks up for herself and hates conflict.

Jane has a digestive disorder her doctors simply label as IBS.
She constantly worries about having easy access to a bathroom,
because when she needs the bathroom, she can’t hold it for long.

Jane’s worst nightmare? She’ll be in the conference room, and her
CEO will ask a question. Then suddenly, she has to sprint to the
bathroom or risk making a mess in front of the CEO.

That’s a lot of stress related to bowel movements. Every. Single.

She has a fear of flying, elevators, heights, and public speaking.
She’s a top performer but has imposter syndrome and worries she’ll be fired at any moment.

She’s in a state of constant anxiety and worry due to many different issues.

Oh, and she suffers from migraines, nightmares, insomnia, chronic pain in her arms, and she’s gained 50 pounds in the last few years.

Though she’s at the top of her profession, is a multi-millionaire, and is in line to be the next CEO of her firm, she’s very unhappy and not living her dream life.

I could mention more issues, but I think this shows enough.

What would I do to help someone with such a long list of issues?

Tune in for part two.

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